选择夏令营时,请选择年级 just completed in the 2023-24 school year. 夏令营对目前在十大网络彩票平台大全就读的学生以及秋季入学的新生开放, 幼儿班学生除外.
Registration closes on May 31. 使用您的GVS帐户支付营地费用的最后一天是 May 10. 5月10日以后,必须提交支票付款. 所有支票付款必须包括供应费用,并在6月7日之前收到. 请发给“营地主任”."
Contact: Director of Camps
Week 1: June 12 - 14
9am - 12pm
Registration deadline: May 31
Week 2: June 17, 18, 20 & 21
9am - 12pm
Registration deadline: May 31
Early Childhood
- (全部)PN:飞溅,欢笑,手工艺! with Ms. Domagala
- (全称)N:“画和玩. Aiosa
- N: Under the Sea with Ms. Malvino
- PK: Magical Treasure Boxes! with Ms. Milillo
- (FULL) PK - K: STEAM with Ms. Metzger
- K:永无止境的幼儿园. Endress & Ms. Hoffman
- K: Science, and Crafts..Oh My! with Ms. Gaccione
(全部)PN:飞溅,欢笑,手工艺! with Ms. Domagala
(全称)N:“画和玩. Aiosa
N: Under the Sea with Ms. Malvino
PK: Magical Treasure Boxes! with Ms. Milillo
(FULL) PK - K: STEAM with Ms. Metzger
K:永无止境的幼儿园. Endress & Ms. Hoffman
K: Science, and Crafts..Oh My! with Ms. Gaccione
Lower School
- 第1集:永无止境的幼儿园. Endress & Ms. Hoffman
- 1 - 2:实验科学. Gong
- 1 - 4: Crafts with Ms. Coffey
- 1 - 4:音乐和戏剧夏令营. Beja
- 1 - 5: Multisports with Ms. Maggi
- (全)2 - 3:与Mr. Carro
- 2 - 5:时装设计与销售. Gratsias
- 3 - 5:飞行科学:飞机,无人机 & Rockets with Mr. Zanone
第1集:永无止境的幼儿园. Endress & Ms. Hoffman
1 - 2:实验科学. Gong
1 - 4: Crafts with Ms. Coffey
1 - 4:音乐和戏剧夏令营. Beja
1 - 5: Multisports with Ms. Maggi
(全)2 - 3:与Mr. Carro
2 - 5:时装设计与销售. Gratsias
3 - 5:飞行科学:飞机,无人机 & Rockets with Mr. Zanone
Cancellation Policy
- 5月24日之前取款不收费
- 5月25日至6月5日期间的取款将退还50%
- 6月5日以后的提款不能退款.
- 因医疗原因退学将视具体情况而定.
- 如果报名人数不能达到最低要求,十大网络彩票平台大全可能会取消夏令营, 届时,您可以选择转到另一个营地或全额退款. 最终决定将于5月27日做出.
电子邮件将在下午3点后的24小时内回复. 如果您有任何问题,请发电子邮件 camp@keegantucker.net.